Mutant Community
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We want to have a complete package of an NFT project: fantastic community, great art, and cool utility. As you may have seen, we have plenty of utility in the works. Now it's time to get to know our community! It all started back in October 2021, and the Mutant Bot was the first bot, developed all by our devs, to verify ownership of NFTs.
With the growth of our community, we started using the bot to run exclusive giveaways for our holders.
We also had some crucial votes like:
Marketplace name
Fees reduction
What stake pool to support
The Mutant discord is a place where holders help each other to grow. You will find everything there, from talking about NFT and crypto to life problems discussions! Verify so you can access our discord and enjoy your stay. web3 is about making new connections, meeting new people, and networking. That is the whole point of this project (and to collect cool art too).