Last updated
Last updated
Since version 0.6.0, Labs also support rewards based on metadata traits.
Very important
If you want to configure rewards based on traits, please let us know so we can properly register your metadata table on Labs.
After you ensure the above points have been properly set, you can then configure rewards based on trait values. Once you select a collection that has metadata properly registered in our systems you will see the Specific traits option.
Trait rewards will be added up to any other rewards the collection have, so be careful with your calculations.
Also, if you register rewards for multiple traits they will all be summed up in case the asset has all the traits, for example:
In the example above, a Mutant Mouse with both Black background AND Engineer Hat will receive 22 additional MUTANT tokens per day.
A Mutant Mouse only with a Black background (or only an Engineer Hat) would receive just 10 MUTANT per day.