Mutant Labs update 1.5.0


  • Reworked the main page. Added the ending soon section (one random featured raffle will display there) and links to staking, raffles, FAQ, and discord.


  • Upgraded the verification tool. We can now verify your collection to the raffle in minutes. (All collections on the verification queue and most from Epoch art were verified)

  • Collections still minting now have their assets added to the platform automatically.

  • Launched an optimization tool. NFTs with larger sizes will be automatically updated every day.

  • Monthly/All time leaderboards now show on the raffle page


  • Fixed a bug blocking users from registering their wallet to the off-chain staking and blocking them from claiming their tokens.

  • Fixed a bug where filters were being reset after cycling raffle tabs.

  • Fixed a bug where collections didn't show on the drop-down when selected from the search tab

Last updated