• Staking rewards based on rarity ranks and trait metadata.

  • Projects will now be able to configure higher rewards based on rarity ranks or NFT metadata.

  • Staking Analytics.

  • You are now able to see some analytics data on each project’s staking page.

  • User Rewards are here! Added a counter of how many tokens you are making per day with your stakes.

  • Added snapshot tool. Devs can now take a snapshot of staked addresses per policy and total assets staked.

  • Added a tool where devs can randomly choose a staked NFT.

  • Add boosts. Make one policy/rank/trait boost the entire amount of tokens one user gets.

  • Create a revenue stream for projects (each unstake transaction will generate 1 ADA fee for your project shared from us).

  • Noncustodial Staking.

  • One asset per tx on unstake/stake

  • Airdrop of NFT and Tokens

  • Have a full list of all assets staked and the wallets staking them (if linked with discord/Twitter it will show too) easily accessible

  • Update analytics with all the data like on the DAO website ( and add off-chain analytics

Last updated