Terms & Conditions

You must accept the Terms and Conditions to use our platform.

Mutant Labs provide services “as is” and “as available” without warranty. By using the Mutant Labs website, you are accepting sole responsibility for any and all transactions involving staking projects and raffles.


  • Mutant Labs are not responsible for what projects using the services do.

  • You should not invest in projects just because they are using our services.

  • Mutants do not guarantee any investment returns to any project or investor.

  • We have no official partners as of now.

  • We don't do paid promotions in any form.

  • In case of a project using the Staking tool "rug" or abandoning the project, Mutant Labs will not take over the project, and we won't issue any refunds of any kind.


  • You are responsible for the raffles you host and buy tickets from.

  • We won't refund your tokens if you end up losing the raffle or not profiting

  • If any issues affect the platform, we might delay the affected raffles only for the time they were affected.

  • As stated in the FAQ and Raffle Guidelines, we reserve the right to flag your raffle/account if you don't follow the rules. You won't get banned, since it's a decentralized platform, but the community decided that you will get flagged.

  • When creating a raffle you should read the Terms & Conditions and agree with them.

You must agree with all the items mentioned above to use the Mutant Labs platform.

Last updated